Super guide to waste your money.BUY ZA COMSMETICS DAMN MAHAL!
This is the place for you to waste money. This is very cool to everyone. Lets go shopping together!Tak nak la...tapi kau belanja boleh pun...
This was a mengarut page where i used to put up megarut stuffs.. haha
Sony Clie PEG-NX80V/G
Check outMichelle!! ShesSuper chun la!! It has a build-in 1.3 mega pixel camera that can takeher pics up to 1280 X 960 pixels and record video with sound for 120 mins so can record Michelle like mad!!! It can play mp3s, has a build in speakers and oso u can use headphones if u wan lar so you can listen 2 Michelles nice voice!hahahaa.. Got build it keyboard so you can go online chat with gurls!, backlighted some mor! Fuah!Can put Michelle pics!! Super screen resulution 480 X 320!! Can slot in a crdit card so u can go shopping la~. hehehehheheh chun lar!!! With a pricey tag of 6rupiah!@!!!!! The Wi-Fi card costs 1rupiah!!! Bankrupt terus!!