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Arun posing meh..

See Arun there.. And michelle back there throwing papers at us!! Baka

Gila punya orang!

We all at the bangsar bowl after school on a friday.. Gila ah that Junn Jow.. Hehehe. Actually theyre looking at the scores!

Derrick and Chirag

Derrick merosakking chirag's phone!

Junn Jow

This fella go pinjam ppl's phone and make phone calls some more! Talk like a buisnessman sure talking karut..

CSP + Ka fai

Dunno what they're doing.. Forgot oledi..

Jojo 'n' Friends

Sure planning a gang-fight on phone (On handsfree some more!)

Mahbub Ali!!

This fella dunno to pakai baju one

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